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RotoMax, KC800900

RotoMax, KC800900


Regular price $10,163.00
Regular price Sale price $10,163.00
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Rotomax is a portable device that conveniently attaches to a rotational mold, measuring mold temperature via k-type thermocouples. It does this in real time, allowing the molder to identify faults immediately and observe the response of the mold to changes in processing variables. Rotomax is also ideal for use during process set-up, whenever changes occur (new molds or change of material) as well as simple routine monitoring during run cycles. Rotomax can be used as a diagnostic and quality control tool to ensure that the mold wall and also the internal mold air temperature is following the correct profile throughout the process. Data provided by the associated software is in continuous easy to read format for the operator. Rotomax is attached to the mold framework or the platform using a the specially designed Norstar bracket that can come as standard on your molds.

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